Monday, March 30, 2009

McMaster Children's Hospital

On Sunday we attended a fundraiser in Ridgeway for McMaster Children's Hospital. The fundraiser was held in Alivia's name with all profits going to the Children's Cancer Center to purchase a vital signs machine. It was a fantastic day with live bands, great food and drinks and games for the kids. It was made even better when Alivia was able to come. She has been home for a couple of days recovering and preparing to start round five of chemo. Chantal (Liv's mom) did not think she would be able to make it to the fundraiser as Liv was up all night vomiting and in the process of all of this her feeding tube came out. Chantal called their doctor and he said that she can wait until Monday morning to come back as long as Liv drank the required amount of easy task for Chantal. We were all very happy to see that she did it. Some photos from our day.

Fishing game.

The girls together again


As usual Cooper was the hit of the party...especially with Chantal's dad.

1 comment:

P'nC said...

It looks as if everyone had a great time.

And is that you fitting into your regular jeans already? Digusting!
