Yes, I'm late again. Life happens, this week life has been happening in ways I never dreamed.
It's been another month of you keeping us on toes. You certainly are your own person and I do not fear like I once did that you would fall into your brothers or sisters shadow. You definitely are not a shadow sitter. In fact you rarely sit...any where.....correction.... you sit on top of train tables and coffee tables, you sit on top of the the craft table and on top of Newman so I guess you do sit.
You have a love of the outdoors. Always bringing me your shoes, sitting on your bottom and raising your foot into the air yelling ON at me. I love to be out there with you, watching you chase the birds.
You have a love of music and dancing. Any time you hear music you stop and dance. You continually bring me the See N Say requesting the song "oh" (Old McDonald). How can anyone resist playing it for you over and over and over and over again when they get to watch you cut a rug like you do.
These next few months will be a big change for you. A big change for us. I have gone back to work half time. I am sad to not have our quiet days together. To have the time just us. But I want you to know, I work for you, for Riley and for Simon. We have BIG dreams together. Those BIG dreams cost BIG money. We will see the world together. I will see the world through your eyes. I will get excited over the robin in the grass, the squirrel in the tree and the fish in ocean as long as I am holding your hand.
Love you Coopy.