Thursday, January 6, 2011

The OMG I can't believe I'm still posting about Christmas, Christmas Post

Christmas Day was perfect. Absolutely perfect!

We woke up with very excited children at omgwhydoourchildrenwakeupsoearly o'clock.

Santa ate the cookies, drank the milk, shared the carrots with the reindeer and left an essay. That Santa has been watching closely, he even asked the kids to stop picking their noses. What a guy!

Perhaps Simon is a little excited?

The gift opening began. We enjoyed the squeals, the cheers, the thank yous and the I got everything I wished fors.

Then poor Jason became the assembling machine. We learned a lesson this year, made a rookie mistake perhaps, but next year we will assemble everything then wrap it for Christmas morning.

We spent the ENTIRE day in our jammies playing, eating, drinking, eating, drinking, eating and drinking. Do you like Coopers helmet? He does too. He wore it all day. I have no explanation especially since it wasn't a Christmas present.

We snapped our Christmas crackers, and enjoyed a huge dinner with all the fixings.

We ended our perfect Christmas with two birthday cakes for baby Jesus. One was cooked from a light bulb.

We hope your day was as perfect for your family as our Christmas was for ours.

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