Thursday, April 17, 2008


Jason and I have been doing some reading about the steroids, growth hormones etc.... used in our foods. Some research indicates that it is causing children to mature at a much earlier rate. Children are losing their teeth earlier, developing earlier and menstruating earlier. Heck, kids in the JK class at my school tell me that they have boyfriends and girlfriends and 6 students in grade 3 were caught on Tuesday kissing under the stairs. What ever happened to boys having cooties? Yes, we do know that there can be other factors such as air pollution and evolution that is causing this rate of maturation but we figure we can control what goes into our children's mouths so why not change their food to organic. Right now about 70% of what they consume is organic food. We have also changed all of our cleaning products into organic. Is it pure coincidence that this year we have made it through the winter with only one cold....last year we had 4 or 5 colds and one really bad flu. I guess we will never know for sure.... but their health is worth the extra money in the grocery store. Jake maybe you can weigh in on this one???

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