Sunday, November 16, 2008

Birthday Celebrations

I am another year older....well technically I still have one more day.

I had a great day today, starting with Simon sleeping in his own bed until 6:15 this morning!!!!! I brought him back to his own bed and we slept there together until 7:30...a great start to the day. When we woke up we found that Jason had already put on one coat of paint on the babies room.

I was made a nice cup of tea and the spoiling began. Riley and Simon both made me pictures and they made a coupon book. It was so cute, they made coupons for all of the things they could do for me....wash my hair in the tub, give me a massage, give me uninterrupted time to watch a movie ...after they go to bed of course etc... The gifts just kept on coming, I got a pair of maternity P.J.'s with the matching baby jammies...I had a pair for both Riley and Simon so I was hoping for another pair. I also got a vacuum....don't cringe...I asked for it..over and over again. My vacuum died about a month ago and I have been using our cleaning ladies and I HATE IT. I vacuum everyday and I need a good vacuum. I got one with all the new bells and whistles..bag less, hepafilters etc...

We then spent some time outside building snowmen, cleaning the van out, taking apart and washing car seats and rearranging the seats in the van to fit 3 car seats. After the kids napped and I grocery shopped we had a yummy birthday dinner complete with a homemade cake. I also got my massage and my hair wash. It was a very nice family filled day.

To top off the day and to spoil me even more I got the Dirty Dancing tickets I hoped for from my mom and a can of paint...I know, I'm a simple person.

Baking my cake

I love favourite comfort food...check out this platter

Cheers with strawberry daquiri's

Cake time!

1 comment:

P'nC said...

It is so good to see you in a photo! The tireless mom hero that you are!

Happy Birthday.