Thursday, February 5, 2009


I have a long, long list of thank yous to go through...I will not get them in today, because of time but I will try my best to complete it within the next few days.

We have been showered with gifts for Cooper and for Riley and Simon.

My friend Paula and her family sent Riley and Simon books and Cooper 2 of the cutest Ralph Lauren one piece short suits. Paula was one of my greatest friends through high school. She moved away before the end of high school and we lost touch. Recently we have reconnected and it feels like we haven't missed a beat. Now that's a true friend. She is living in New Jersey with her husband and two beautiful daughters. Thank you Ambrozic family for your generosity, you truly are amazing.

My brother Ryan and sister in law Hillary are the only people in the world who would send onesies like this. A Sex Pistol's onesie...priceless.

The funniest part is the tags, they read "you may not be cool, but your baby can be."
I wish everyday that we lived closer to them. I hope that when Riley, Simon and Cooper get older they have a bond like Ryan and I do and have always had. We love you guys and miss you like crazy.

I will be back with more...a little birdie is looking to be fed.

1 comment:

P'nC said...

So glad to know that the package arrived! The updates are fabulous, and we hope you are feeling well.
Talk soon,