Today was Riley's first day of JK. HER FIRST DAY OF JK!!!!!!!!! She has been over the moon excited about going for weeks now, I on the other hand have had mixed emotions. I'm excited for her but....she's my baby girl, my baby girl is going to school.
I offered to make her anything she wanted for breakfast, of course, she chose oatmeal.

All dressed and ready to go. Tears were shed me of course, then more tears were shed when she responded "don't cry mommy, I'll always be your baby." My heart melted. Then, in true Riley fashion she said "don't cry at my school, I will be embarassed." God, I love that kid.

Here we go!!!!!

We arrive at the school, she kisses us and says "OK, bye mama" and off she ran. She played hop scotch, ran around with a friend she instantly met and never looked back.

Nee Nee, Jason and I watched her play until the bell rang. She quickly lined up with her class and off she went.

OK, I will admitt it.......I drove back at recess time, sat in my van in the parking lot and watched her. She was running around with her friends Devyn, Owen and her new little buddy Gwen. She was riding the bikes, playing hula hop and playing chase. Happy as can be.
Nee Nee took Cooper and I out for lunch at one of my favourite places, Shirley's. We did a few other errands in the afternoon before picking Riley up from school.
She reported having a great day. She told me all about playing with Devyn, Owen and Gwen. She painted, drew, read stories, sang O Canada, ate snack, had lunch and played outside THREE TIMES!!!!! Her favourite part of the day was going up to library to look at books and see Nancy (a friend of ours). She said "don't worry mommy, I didn't call her Nancy, I called her by her other name, Ms...... what is it again?"
When I got home, I checked my school e-mail and found that her teacher Mrs. Marks sent me a message about Riley's day.
Hi Amanda,
Just letting you know Riley is having a great day. She is a delight! So confident and responsible. Thanks for getting her ready for JK. Ellen
We are so proud of her. We are looking forward to all of the exciting learning and growing she will do this year. Hopefully, over time, I will stop crying.....hopefully.