Monday, March 17, 2008

Simon The Great

We are both blown away daily with the amount Simon knows already, he is 20 months old and a small genius:) Let me tell you a little bit about what he says and can do....he is able to sing some songs like head and shoulders, Jingle Bells, Twinkle Twinkle and the Alphabet. He can recognize about 20 letters of the alphabet, he knows his colours and can count to 10. Oh boy, am I a teacher or what!!!!! He is talking in small sentences of 5 plus words....some of our favourite things he says are.... "oh, oh bear coming to bite you, OUCH," "Mommy, I so happy to see you," "May I be excused please" and "Where's my Riley, I love her." We are so proud of him and all of the things he can do.

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