Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Four Months Old

Our baby boy turned four months old today.

All three of our children have brought something special and unique to our family. When I think about Cooper I can't help to think that he was one of the best decisions we have ever made. We had two healthy children. We had a girl and a boy. Should we have the third? Most people thought and still think we were crazy for having three children. You truly do enter a whole new world when a third child enters your life. Jason and I talked a lot about having a third child and honestly we changed our minds often. I did not feel that our family was complete, I do know, Cooper has completed our family.

He is a joy to be around. He smiles all the time. He is laughing more and more out loud as each day passes, he finds the word beaver particularly funny right now. It is amazing to watch Riley hug him, kiss him and pretend that she is the princess and he is her prince. It is so cute to hear her call him Coopy Doop - I'm sure he will not be so fond of this name as he gets older. It melts our hearts when Simon talks with him and Cooper coos back at Simon exclaims "mommy, he likes me." When Simon asks if Coopy could sleep with him. It is wonderful to see them all together. We truly are blessed with three amazing children. It was a long, long hard road to get hear but worth every penny, tear and heartache.

Our little man.

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