Monday, May 18, 2009

Mango: The Forbidden Fruit

Friday night at our house was, it was hell. Jason cut a mango up for Simon before he left for the weekend, one would think that was a good snack...WRONG! At 11:00p.m. Simon appeared in my room just in time to throw up all over me and our bed. I changed the sheets, got him a bowl and kept him in my bed so I could watch him. He threw up 3 more times all over the place. After changing my bed sheets 4 times I decided just to move into his bed, it was dark and I crawled into another pile of vomit. Let me remind you that Jason was sleeping on his own in a hotel room. Simon's vomiting ended at 3:00a.m. which is precisely the same time Riley started into a coughing fit guessed it, vomited all over her bed. I changed her bed, settled her back to sleep just in time for Cooper to wake for a feed. Now, Cooper never throws up so no worries right -WRONG!!!! He was gulping and he threw up all over himself, me and the chair. Did I tell you that Jason was sound asleep at the Holiday Inn? I was reduced to tears, it was now 4:30 in the morning and I had one hour sleep all night. I crawled into my bed hoping that because Simon was up half the night he would sleep past his normal 5:00a.m., right - WRONG AGAIN!

The good news is Simon was just fine after his little episode. The only thing we can think of is the mango as he has never eaten one before and everything else he ate so did the rest of us. I am sure of one thing - there will be no mango in Simon's near future.

1 comment:

P'nC said...

you poor thing. My goodness. There will be a special place in heaven for you! At least there better be!