Sunday, December 20, 2009

Q.O.T.D. (Quote Of The Day)

Part of the reason I do this blog is to have a record of our family for the kids. It is our hope that when they are older they can look back at this and see how proud we are of them and all of the crazy adventures we have been on. With that in mind, Jason and I have been talking about posting some of the things the kids say so one day we can all look back and laugh.

So here it goes.....Quotes Of The Day....I have a few today.

1. Simon was home from school for the day with me because of his mystery rash (which he still has) and I was on my hands and knees washing the floor. He came over to me and said,

Simon: Mom you're just like Cinderella.

Me: Oh, thanks Si.

Simon: The one in the rags that does the chores not the one in the pretty dress.

2. We were all sitting at the dinner table having our dinner. Simon got up to go to the washroom. We continued on with our conversation. Simon came back to the table and said,

Simon: Excuse me, are you nuts?

After we stopped laughing we explained to him why hat wasn't really appropriate.

3. Jason was tucking Riley into bed at night.

Jason: Good night Riley. I love you.

Riley: I love you too daddy, more than my arms can reach.

1 comment:

kateolijnyk said...

ooooh i love Riley's. so sweet. love these quotes. It's so hard to remember them all - they say the funniest things.