Wednesday, November 25, 2009

10 Months Old

Cooper turned 10 months old on the 19th of November. It always amazes us how quickly time goes and the rapid growth we see in the kids. Not a day goes by that Cooper isn't doing something new. His new tricks for the month are animal noises galore, standing on his own, getting himself to standing without holding on to anything, walking with the walker, saying dada, refusing to eat anything off of a spoon and he has even taken steps on his own.

He NEVER stays still so I took the opportunity to get some photos of him while he slept....another thing he also never does. He still is up every 2 hours or so through the night. Waking at the same times every night, 11:00, 1:00, 4:00, 6:00 and then up at 7:00. I am thankful for that cup of coffee first thing in the morning let me tell you.

Here is waking with the walker. Hmmmmm...the mess in the background, thank you laundry room reno. I also can't explain the skeleton on my couch.

Our little monkey boy.

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