Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Candy

As you saw from a recent post our kids got WAY too much candy. We decided to let them each pick 10 pieces of candy from the huge pile, that way they could have one a day for ten days. The rest they could exchange for a trip to the toy store to choose a toy of choice....OK, not total free choice, but within reason. They were thrilled with this idea and happily picked out their candy, the rest well will go in my belly and sent to Jason's school to keep the English teachers happy.

Riley chose ANOTHER princess doll. I think we own them all now. Simon chose a Play mobile toy and Cooper (can't leave out Coop) got a penguin.

Happy kids, happy teeth ( we already have our share of teeth problems thanks to poor little Coop), happy mom and dad!!!!

1 comment:

kateolijnyk said...

Bree saw this and asked for the 'same princess doll as Riley'
A girl can never have too many dolls right? I bet Riley loves them all too.
You're a smart one for coming up with this idea. Definitely going to try it next year. Thanks!